Hey folks. Just wanted to say a few words on the recent election. While I haven't had an online presence for a while, I have been discussing the future of the country at great lengths with a lot of people, on both sides of the aisle. Most of my friends lean liberal, I'd say about 2 of 3. But a huge portion are also conservatives. I work at some pretty nice areas, and they are largely conservative. And I'm not shy about talking politics with them, so I've gotten a good sense of how I thought they felt going into the election. Then obviously, on the flip side, are all my liberal friends who are scared as hell. So let me break a few things down.
Let me start with the conservatives. Many of those I spoke with personally, with the exception of one lady, had the same exact thing to say about Trump: "I hate the guy. I think he is an awful human being, but I have to vote for him. I have no choice. Insurance costs have doubled for everyone that is paying, and people cannot get ahead anymore. The others I spoke with, whom I know are conservative, simply said they could not in good conscience vote for either of the two. Now fast forward one week, and the same people are saying: "Do you see all the liberal tears, hahaha. Oh boohoo, you lost, get over it." Literally hi-fiving each other in the streets. I had one friend say how glad they were they finally have a president 'that is going to bring everyone together to start healing the country'. Seriously? I know, they've been underdogs for so long under the juggernaut that was Obama (more on him later). So, yes, you can have your victory lap. But "get over it?" "Bring the country together? " Did you not pay any attention to what just happened?
How long was it before the right accepted Obama as their president? Ooooohhhh, thats right, they NEVER did. Obama hasn't gotten one iota of respect for 8 years. There have been conservative tears for 8 consecutive years, but liberals and progressives need to get over it in one night. I know they get held to a higher standard, but damn!
Conservatives. I love you guys, I work with you. You are in my family. So let me be clear, that this in a sense of reality and not sarcasm, but do you honestly think liberals are just going to forget that. It's been 8 years of " Obama is a Nazi. He's a Nazi, a communist, socialist, black, muslim Nazi. that's the worst kind of nazi there is, sneaky too and a zombie, I think he's a zombie (zoinked from David Cross). 8 straight years of that. The brew of that constant stream of vitriol was the very stew out of which Donald Trump as a politician was first born. He led the birther charge, that was him. So Donald Trump's VERY FIRST political act was to attempt to deport someone he didn't agree with. First thing he ever did. Keep that in mind for later.
That brings us to the second point, "going to bring the country together." Ok, let me just slow you down right there. Let's take a look back at when George Bush Left office utterly disgraced. He left the economy in shambles, built up a massive war debt, and was a convicted war criminal in certain countries. Did you know that? Bush is considered a mass murder in some countries. The country HATED him. They were out for blood too, and what did Obama do? Did he launch an investigation into his political rival, no. Why? Because that is how politics works in third world countries. You confuse the vote, seize power, then imprison your political rivals.
Now look at your "gonna bring people together" guy, Trump. This is a guy who was handed the world on a silver platter by his daddy. Surrounded himself with nothing but yes men, and if he didn't like someone, he just fired them. You're fired! Then he systematically ran his company straight into the ground. Because that's what happens when you hire yes men and dispose of everyone you don't like. Not once, but 4 fucking times he failed his own business. That is his whole platform, "I'm a businessman that filed for bankruptcy 4 times."
So what is Trump's first line of business, repeal obamacare, of course! Nope, that's actually the second thing. The very first thing he did was form an enemies list. He is going to seek charges against Hillary Clinton for fraud, embezzlement, and corruption. Now let's look objectively at this. First of all, yes, there is a very high chance there was some wrongdoing, otherwise you don't first of all hide behind a personal server for state business, then delete everything when they come knocking. So I'm not admonishing her or convicting her there. But after running for the highest position in the land, there is absolutely no way that can be perceived as justice anymore, now it is reaching into political vengeance. Whether you agree or not, it will get challenged up to the supreme court, and if conservatives in the supreme put a political opponent to their party in prison it becomes an act of political vengeance. That's what kings do, thats what third world countries that pretend they are democracies do. That is why President Bush is walking around a free man when the world considers him a war criminal.
So, yeah, yeah, yeah, but his enemies are just those liberals we hate them anyway. Not us conservatives, right? Wrong. The first two names on the list are Lindsay Graham and John Kasich. Yep, two MORE political rivals. Yes, the same John Kasich that probably most liberals would have been ok with as president. Well, maybe not most, but you would not be seeing the level of disgust being outpoured that is. Trump ran a straight hateful, untruthful, bigoted campaign from start to finish. He is already taking steps to imprison his political rival. That is not how you bring people together. That is how you take an already deep wound right down the middle of america and drop a stick of dynamite on it.
So to start to wrap this up, that is the point. The disappointment you see on the faces of your liberal friends and family isn't just disappointment, it is downright anger and disgust. When Bush won the second time, I was like, yeah, this sucks. But I didn't feel this same level of disgust at the state of my country that I do now. I am so angry and disgusted with america for letting this happen that my stomach has been turning in knots to the point of physically wanting to vomit.
And I don't want to take it out on my conservative friends, because they aren't the only ones to blame, but, seriously, fuck you for this. Fuck you for allowing this guy to be your candidate. That is what you see on the faces of your liberal friends.
And it doesn't stop there. Because what they are feeling, the fear deep in their hearts, is because of one very specific thing that I will NEVER forgive Obama for...due process is no longer legal in the united states. Let me repeat that if you didn't get it the first time. DUE PROCESS IS NO LONGER LEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES. Loud enough for you? That's not hyperbole, it is the LAW, signed by Obama, that the government can hold american citizens indefinitely, without trial, without a defense. Obama said "yeah, but I'll never use that" OK, but what if the next guy is a fucking lunatic that locks up everyone he doesn't agree with. Oh, yep, got him.
THAT is what all of your liberal friends are feeling right now. Trump has basically unchecked power in a level this country has never seen before, embodied in a man that went after gays, women, muslims, even members of his own party. This is the guy you're telling us it will all be ok because of? With that much power, and that spoiled rich brat temper he has shown time, and time again. That's the guy that will bring balance to the force?
Ok, well I hope you are right and he isn't EXACTLY who we've seen bullying people around on tv these last years. I truly hope you are right, but if you are wrong, then this is literally the worst decision America has ever made. So I hope it is ok in the end, but until then, fuck you Obama for signing that law, fuck you conservatives for bringing us President Fuckface von Clownstick. Fuck you liberals for not bringing a better fight. And fuck me too for not putting a stop to it. Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!!!
P.S. I still love my liberal friends. I still love my conservative friends. But shame on us.